Sept 21, 2020
We have two kittens available – a Cream boy and a Tortie girl
Sept 11, 2020
Harlequin’s kittens are 4 weeks old today
If you are interesting in viewing and reserving a kitten please contact me by email (susannewman623@btinternet) or phone (01626 334242)
Earlier this year:
May 3rd 2020
Gr Ch Moormist Cornelia has 2 kittens, 2 weeks old today
11 June 2020
Cornelia’s kittens are now almost 8 weeks old
8th July 2020
Nearly 12 weeks old and full of fun
*** We are expecting another litter mid- August ***
20th August 2020
Harlequin has five beautiful kittens
Here are the first pictures, kittens 5 days old
Sept 11, 2020
Harlequin’s kittens are 4 weeks old today
Poppy, our British Blue queen, had 4 kittens at the end of December. They are all now happily settled in their permanent homes
We shall be mating our other girls in the early Spring.
Enquiries welcome but watch the website for news.
Below are pictures of some of the kittens we had in 2019. Colours included Red Self, Blue, Cream & White Bicolour, Tortie
Harlequin’s and Scramble’s kittens at six weeks old and below are some later pictures.
They have all settled happily in their ‘forever’ homes except for the Tortie & White girl, Moormist Melange, who is staying with me. I am hoping to show her at several shows in 2020.
Our Red & White Bicolour queen, GrCh Moormist Cordelia, had her first litter in 2019.
Cornelia had two kittens – both boys. One is a Red & White Bicolour and the other is a Red Self.
Mother and babies doing well. Below are pics taken when they were 3-days old.